Journal Description

Jurnal Riset dan Aplikasi: Akuntansi dan Manajemen (JRAAM) or Journal of Research and Application: Accounting and Management (JRAAM) is published by Accounting Department (Jur. Akuntansi), Politeknik Negeri Malang. JRAAM is an open-access journal. Since 2015, JRAAM has been published consistently twice a year, in March and September. JRAAM is now accredited to SINTA 3 with decree number 200/M/KPT/2020.

Journal title Jurnal Riset dan Aplikasi: Akuntansi dan Manajemen
Initials JRAAM
Abbreviation J. Ris. Apl. Akuntansi dan Manajemen
Frequency Two issues per year 
DOI prefix 10.33795 by
Print ISSN 2443-3381
Online ISSN 2443-1419
Editor-in-chief Ari Kamayanti
Publisher Jurusan Akuntansi Politeknik Negeri Malang
Citation Analysis Google Scholar | DIMENSION | SINTA 

Jurnal Riset dan Aplikasi: Akuntansi dan Manajemen (JRAAM) or Journal of Research and Application: Accounting and Management (JRAAM) is published by Accounting Department (Jur. Akuntansi), Politeknik Negeri Malang. JRAAM is an open-access journal. Since 2015, JRAAM has been published consistently twice a year, in March and September. JRAAM is now accredited to SINTA 3 with decree 200/M/KPT/2020.

Since Volume 4, at least 10 articles are published for each issue. Before Volume 4, at least 5 articles were published for each issue. Each article will have to go through double-blind review by at least two reviewers, and pass similarity test at at a 5% level or less, before it can be accepted for publication.

JRAAM is indexed internationally in DOAJ, Google Scholar, BASE, Dimensions, and Crossref, and nationally in SINTA (S3), Garuda, ISJD, and Moraref. In order to continuously improve the quality of its publication, JRAAM managers have joined ALJEBI (Alliance of Indonesian Journal Managers with Integrity), a professional organization for journals managers.


JRAAM is migrating to OJS 3

JRAAM starts migrating to OJS 3 per Volume 6 Number 2, 2023. The previous publication can still be obtained and downloaded from OJS 2 (

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Vol. 7 No. 2 (2024): Jurnal Riset dan Aplikasi: Akuntansi dan Manajemen

Published: September 30, 2024

Proposing A Nonmainstream Concept of Corporate Social Responsibility through Islamic Perspective

Virginia Nur Rahmanti (1), Dian Agustia (2), Achdiar Redy Setiawan (3)
(1) Universitas Brawijaya, Indonesia ,
(2) Universitas Airlangga, Indonesia ,
(3) The Center of Islamic Development Management Studies, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Malaysia

Unmasking Causes and Providing Solutions for Government Financial Reporting Delays

Resi Ariyasa Qadri (1), Suryo Sujoko (2), Syanni Yustiani (3), Achmad Saad Maulana (4)
(1) Polytechnic of State Finance STAN, Indonesia ,
(2) Regional Office of Directorat General of Treasury for West Sulawesi, The Ministry of Finance, Indonesia ,
(3) Polytechnic of State Finance STAN, Indonesia ,
(4) Birmingham University, United Kingdom

The Difficulty in the Implementation of Accounting Standard for Non Publicly Accountable Entities

Ardiani Ika Sulistyawati (1), Erika Puji Lestari (2), Arief Himmawan Dwi Nugroho (3), Cristino Gusmao (4), Aprih Santoso (5), Rosyati (6)
(1) Universitas Semarang, Indonesia ,
(2) Universitas Semarang, Indonesia ,
(3) Universitas Stikubank, Indonesia ,
(4) Universidade de Paz, Timor Leste ,
(5) Universitas Semarang, Indonesia ,
(6) Universitas Semarang, Indonesia

Tingkat Kesiapan Implementasi Pelaporan Terintegrasi Pada Perusahaan Konstruksi

Hesti Wahyuni (1)
(1) Politeknik Negeri Malang, Indonesia

Merumuskan Praktik Pembelajaran Akuntansi pada Lembaga Kursus dan Pelatihan Akuntansi

Reza Wahyu Pradita (1), Unti Ludigdo (2), Aji Dedi Mulawarman (3)
(1) Universitas Brawijaya, Indonesia ,
(2) Universitas Brawijaya, Indonesia ,
(3) Universitas Brawijaya, Indonesia

Pemanfaatan Informasi Akuntansi dalam Pengambilan Keputusan untuk Menjaga Sustainability Usaha

Carissa Nadia Alim (1), Jesica Handoko (2)
(1) Universitas Katolik Widya Mandala, Indonesia ,
(2) Universitas Katolik Widya Mandala, Indonesia

Penerapan Good Corporate Governance Berbasis Nilai Budaya Siri’na Pacce sebagai Solusi Penguatan Tata Kelola Perusahaan 

Akhmad Akram Hirman (1), Diana Putri (2), - Hamidah (3)
(1) Universitas Airlangga, Indonesia ,
(2) Universitas Airlangga, Indonesia ,
(3) Universitas Airlangga, Indonesia

Rendahnya Komitmen Implementasi Akuntansi Lingkungan: Studi Kasus Pengolahan Sampah Medis

Beatrix Yunarti Manehat (1), Maria Augustin Lopes Amaral (2), Roy Renaldy Weny Bery (3), Chantika Elisabeth Hermanus (4), Manuel Brito (5)
(1) Universitas Katolik Widya Mandira, Indonesia ,
(2) Universitas Katolik Widya Mandira, Indonesia ,
(3) Loka Kekarantinaan Kesehatan Labuan Bajo, Indonesia ,
(4) Universitas Katolik Widya Mandira, Indonesia ,
(5) Universidade Catolica Timorense Sao Joao Paulo II, Timor Leste

Penyusunan Laporan Keuangan Berdasarkan Standar Akuntansi Keuangan: Tantangan dan Hambatan

Khasnita Sari (1), Yenni Samri Juliati Nasution (2), Laylan Syafina (3)
(1) Universitas Islam Negeri Sumatera Utara, Indonesia ,
(2) Universitas Islam Negeri Sumatera Utara, Indonesia ,
(3) Universitas Islam Negeri Sumatera Utara, Indonesia
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