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Corporate Caracteristics and Tax Avoidance: a Sudy of Banking Industry in South East Asia
Purpose: The purpose of this research is to examine the characteristics of the company on tax avoidance. The trend of sub-optimal profits and demands for financial performance in the banking sector support tax avoidance as an alternative choice in banking strategy.
Method: This study uses regression testing with a sample of 152 industrial data in Southeast Asia.
Results: The results show that profitability and capital intensity have an effect on tax avoidance.
Novelty: The novelty in this research lies in the measurement of financial performance where the banking industry has measurements that are different from other industrial sectors.
Contributions: The contribution of research to the world of banking is that it is hoped that optimal earnings management policies will emerge in ensuring the sustainability of public funds.
Karakteristik Perusahaan dan Tax Avoidance: Studi pada Industri Perbankan Asia Tenggara
Tujuan: Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengkaji karakteristik perusahaan dalam penghindaran pajak. Kecenderungan keuntungan yang belum optimal dan tuntutan kinerja keuangan di sektor perbankan mendukung penghindaran pajak sebagai pilihan alternatif dalam strategi perbankan.
Metode: Penelitian ini menggunakan uji regresi dengan sampel 152 data industri di Asia Tenggara.
Hasil: Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa profitabilitas dan intensitas modal berpengaruh terhadap penghindaran pajak.
Kebaruan: Kebaruan dalam penelitian ini terletak pada pengukuran kinerja keuangan dimana industri perbankan memiliki ukuran yang berbeda dengan sektor industri lainnya.
Kontribusi: Kontribusi penelitian kepada dunia perbankan diharapkan akan muncul kebijakan manajemen laba yang optimal dalam menjamin kesinambungan dana masyarakat.
Article Details
Copyright (c) 2023 Supriyati

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
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- Artinasari N, Mildawati. Jurnal Ilmu dan Riset Akuntansi e-ISSN : 2460-0585 Pengaruh Profitabilitas, Leverage, Likuidittas, Capital Intensity Dan Inventory Intensity Terhadap Tax Avoidance. E-Proceeding Manag 2018;5:713–9.
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-, Skandal Swiss Leaks, 2016
- Irwansyah, Yoremia Lestari, N. F. A, Pengaruh ukuran perusahaan dan leverage terhadap agency cost pada perusahaan otomotif yang terdaftar di bursa efek indonesia, E-J FEB Unmul, 2020; 16(2):259–267.
- Hanlon, M., & Heitzman, S, A review of tax research, J Account and Econ, 2010; 50(2–3): 127–178.
-, Myanmar has one of the lowest tax takes in the world, 2017.
Darmawan I, Sukartha I. Pengaruh Penerapan Corporate Governance, Leverage, Roa, Dan Ukuran Perusahaan Pada Penghindaran Pajak. E-Jurnal Akunt 2014;9:143–61.
Tandean VA. Good Corporate Governance Dan Ukuran Perusahaan Pengaruhnya Pada Tax Avoidance. J Ilm Akunt Dan Bisnis 2016;11:54–62.
Agyei SK, Marfo-Yiadom E, Ansong A, Idun AAA. Corporate Tax Avoidance Incentives of Banks in Ghana. J African Bus 2020;21:544–59.
Alkurdi A, Mardini GH. The impact of ownership structure and the board of directors’ composition on tax avoidance strategies: empirical evidence from Jordan. J Financ Report Account 2020;18:795–812.
Dyreng SD, Hanlon M, Maydew EL. Long‐Run Corporate Tax Avoidance. Account Rev 2008;83:61–82.
Desai, Mihir. A & Dharmapala D. Corporate Tax Avoidance and Firm Value. Rev Econ Stat 2009;91:537–46.
Susilowati A, Dewi RR, Wijayanti A. Faktor-Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Tax Avoidance. J Ilm Univ Batanghari Jambi 2020;20:131.
Duan, T., Ding, R., Hou, W., & Zhang JZ. The burden of attention: CEO publicity and tax avoidance. J Bus Res 2018;87:90–101.
Matinfard M, Kazemi Juybari M. Long-run corporate tax avoidance: Evidence from Tehran Stock Exchange. Accounting 2017;3:197–210.
Gallemore J, Jacob M, Wittenberg R, We M, Andries K, Barrios J, et al. Corporate Tax Enforcement Externalities and The Banking Sector. J Account Res 2020;58:1117–59.
Zeng T. Corporate Social Responsibility, Tax Aggressiveness, and Firm Market Value. Account Perspect 2016;15:7–30.
Hudiwinarsih GS. Governance and Aspect of Tax Avoiding to Determining The Value of Banking in Indonesia. Int J Civ Eng Technol 2018;9:991–1000.
Supriyati; Tjahjadi, Bambang; Tjaraka H. Does Corporate Tax Aggressiveness Matter in Good Corporate Governance-Corporate Financial Performance relationship? Evidence in Indonesia. Int J Civ Eng Technol 2019;10:235–52.
Alsaadi A. Financial-tax reporting conformity, tax avoidance and corporate social responsibility. J Financ Report Account 2020;18:639–59.
Agyei-Mensah BK. Impact of corporate governance attributes and financial reporting lag on corporate financial performance. African J Econ Manag Stud 2018;9:349–66.
Esteban-Sanchez P, de la Cuesta-Gonzalez M, Paredes-Gazquez JD. Corporate social performance and its relation with corporate financial performance: International evidence in the banking industry. J Clean Prod 2017;162:1102–10.
Amalia RF. Political Connection, Profitability, and Capital Intensity Against Tax Avoidance in Coal Companies on the Indonesia Stock Exchange. Adv Soc Sci Educ Humanit Res 2020;431:14–9.
Artinasari N, Mildawati. Jurnal Ilmu dan Riset Akuntansi e-ISSN : 2460-0585 Pengaruh Profitabilitas, Leverage, Likuidittas, Capital Intensity Dan Inventory Intensity Terhadap Tax Avoidance. E-Proceeding Manag 2018;5:713–9.
Prabowo IC. Capital Structure, Profitability, Firm Size and Corporate Tax Avoidance: Evidence from Indonesia Palm Oil Companies. Bus Econ Commun Soc Sci J 2020;2:97–103.
Larosa Dayanara, Kartika Hendra Titisari A wi. Pengaruh Leverage, Profitabilitas, Ukuran Perusahaan Dan Capital Intensity Terhadap Penghindaran Pajak Pada Perusahaan Barang Industri Konsumsi Yang Terdaftar Di BEI Tahun 2014-2018. J Akunt Dan Sist Teknol Inf 2019;15:301–10.
Putri FA. Pengaruh Profitabilitas, Leverage, Intensitas Modal Dan Proporsi Dewan Komisaris Independen Terhadap Tax Avoidance (Studi Pada Perusahaan Jasa Subsektor Bank yang Terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia Tahun 2012-2016). J Ekobis Dewantara 2018;1:53–62.
Dwiyanti IAI, Jati IK. Pengaruh Profitabilitas, Capital Intensity, dan Inventory Intensity pada Penghindaran Pajak. E-Jurnal Akunt 2019;27:2293.
Bayunanda A, Ompusunggu AP. Influence of Debt to Equity Ratio, Return on Assets, and Earning Management on Tax Avoidance (Survey on Manufacturing Companies Registered in BEI). Int J Business, Econ Law 2018;15:133–42.
Dhawan A, Ma L, Kim MH. Journal of Contemporary Effect of corporate tax avoidance activities on firm bankruptcy risk. J Contemp Account Econ 2020;16:100187.
Fernos J. Analisis Rasio Profitabilitas Untuk Mengukur Kinerja (Studi Kasus Pada PT. Bank Pembangunan Daerah Provinsi Sumatera Barat). J Pundi 2017;1:107–18.
Luh N, Puspita P. Pengaruh Ukuran Perusahaan, Leverage, Profitabilitas dan Corporate Social Responsibility Terhadap Penghindaran Pajak (Tax Avoidance). E-Jurnal Akunt 2017;21:882–911.
Masrurroch LR, Nurlaela S, Fajri RN. Pengaruh profitabilitas , komisaris independen , leverage , ukuran perusahaan dan intensitas modal terhadap tax avoidance. E-Journal FEB Unmul 2021;17:82–93., Skandal Swiss Leaks, 2016
Irwansyah, Yoremia Lestari, N. F. A, Pengaruh ukuran perusahaan dan leverage terhadap agency cost pada perusahaan otomotif yang terdaftar di bursa efek indonesia, E-J FEB Unmul, 2020; 16(2):259–267.
Hanlon, M., & Heitzman, S, A review of tax research, J Account and Econ, 2010; 50(2–3): 127–178., Myanmar has one of the lowest tax takes in the world, 2017.