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The purpose of this study was to analyze the role of remuneration as a moderating variable for the effect of transformational leadership on job involvement. This research is a quantitative study using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) analysis tools. The results showed that transformational leadership had no significant effect on worker involvement. High work involvement of lecturers could occur both for lecturers in work environments with leaders who often or rarely apply transformational leadership. Remuneration does not mediate the effect of transformational leadership on work involvement, because the remuneration for lecturers at the institution has not met expectations.
Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah menganalisis peran remunerasi sebagai variabel moderasi untuk pengaruh kepemimpinan transformasional terhadap keterlibatan kerja. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuantitatif menggunakan alat analisis Structural Equation Modelling (SEM). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kepemimpinan transformasional berpengaruh tidak signifikan terhadap keterlibatan kerja. Tingginya keterlibatan kerja dosen bisa terjadi baik pada dosen di lingkungan kerja dengan pimpinan yang sering atau jarang menerapkan kepemimpinan transformasional. Remunerasi tidak memediasi pengaruh kepemimpinan transformasional terhadap keterlibatan kerja karena pemberian remunerasi dosen di institusi belum memenuhi harapan
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Copyright (c) 2023 Fullchis Nurtjahjani, Ane Fany Novitasari

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
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Astrdina, Syamsul Maarif M, Wijayanto H. Komparasi Sistem Remunerasi pada Tiga Perguruan Tinggi Negeri Badan Hukum (PTNbh). J Manag Organ 2017;8.
Ching-Sheue FU. The Effect of Emotional Labor on Job Development in Preschool Teacher: Verifying the Mediating Effect of Psychological Capital. Turksih Online J Educ Technol 2015;14.
Septiadi, Alexander S, Sintaasih DK, WIbawa IMA. Pengaruh Keterlibatan Kerja Terhadap Kinerja Dengan Pemediasi Komitmen Organisasional. E-Jurnal Ekon Dan Bisnis Univ Udayana 2017;6.
Raja MW. Does Transformational Leadership Leads To Higher Employee Work Engagement. A Study of Pakistani Service Sector Firms. Int J Acad Res Bus Soc Sci January 2012.
Gozukara I, Simsek F. Linking Transformational Leadership to Work Engagement and the Mediator Effect of Job Autonomy: A Study in a Turkish Private Non-Profit University. Procedia - Soc Behav Sci 2015:963–71.
Tims M, Arnold BB. Do Transformational Leader Enhance Their Followers’ Daily Work Engagement.The leadership Quartely. Am Pychological Assoc 2011.
Vincent S, Hoper, Clara M. Transformational Leadership, Work Engagement, And Occupational Success. Career Dev Int 2012.
Soleman, Perry. Transformational Leadership And Employee Engagement In The Banking Sector In Bangladesh. J Dev Areas Spec Issue Dubai Conf 2016;50.
Stewart. A Study of the Leadership Code and Employee Engagement. Dissertation 2012:785.
Vila-Vazquez. Promoting the Sustainability of Organizations: Contribution of Transformational Leadership to Job Engagement. Psychol Sustain Sustain Dev 10 2018.
Subekti L. Proses Peningkatan Keterlibatan Karyawan Melalui Gaya Kepemimpinan dan Motivasi Kerja. J Bisnis Dan Manaj 2016;3.
Bourgeois J. Neither Here nor There: Transformational Leadership and Culture Intelligence in Presidents of U.S Accredited Universities Located in Foreign Countiries. University of San Diego, 2019.
Mwangi PK. The Effect of Compensation on Employee Motivation: A Case Study of Chloride Exide. 2014.
Politeknik Negeri Malang. Surat Keputusan Direktur Politeknik Negeri Malang Nomor 263 Tahun. Malang: Politeknik Negeri Malang; 2016.
Bakker A., Leiter M. Work Engagement: A Handbook of Essential Theory & Research. New York: Psychology Press; 2010.
Ghozali I, Latan H. Partial Least Square : Konsep, Teknik dan Aplikasi SmartPLS 2.0 M3. Semarang: Badan P. Universitas Diponegoro; 2012.
McCleskey JA. Situational, Trans formational, and Transactional Leadership and Leadership Develop ment. J Bus Stud Q 2014 2014;5.
Robbins SP, Timothy AJ. Perilaku Organisasi Edisi ke-16. Jakarta: Salemba Empat; 2010.
Troena E, Afnan D, Mintarti R. Organizational Culture, Transfor mational Leadership, Work Engage ment and Teacher’s Performance. Int J Educ Res 2014;2.
Henkel GT. The Relationship Between Transformational Leadership Styles and University Adjunct Faculty Work Engagement. 2017.
Gozukara I, Simsek F, Omer. Linking Transformational Leadership to Work Engagement and the Mediator Effect of Job Autonomy: A Study in a Turkish Private Non-Profit University. Procedia-Soc Behav Sci 2015.
Rawung. The Effect of Leadership on the Work Motivation of Higher Education Administration Employees (Study at Manado State University). IOSR J Bus Manag 2016;15.
Ali SRO. Transformational Leadership Style and Job Satisfactionat Higher Education Institution in Malaysia. J Basic Appl Sci Res 2016.
Wiratmadja II, Rajesri G, Agoes RG. The Influence of Transformational Leadership Style & Compensation System on the Performance of University Lecturer A Case at a State University in Indonesia. Proc. 9th Asia Pacific Ind. Eng. Manag. Syst. Conf. Indones., 2015.
Cheng, Mavis, Yi-Ching, Carol L, Lin Y, McDonough HF, et al. Does Transformational Leadership Facilitate Technological Innovation? The Moderating Roles Of Innovative Culture And Incentive Compensation. Asia Pacific J Manag 29 2012.
Kulikowski K. The Model Of Relationships Between Pay For Individual Performance And Work Engagement. Career Dev Int 2018;23.
Kulikowski K, Piotr Sedlak. Can You Buy Work Engagement? The Relationship Between Pay, Fringe Benefits, Financial Bonuses And Work Engagement. Curr Pychology 39 2017.
Zarabi HH, A O, Omofoye, Girgis F. Salary Trends Across American Subspecialties in Academic Neurosurgere. World Neurosurg 2020;136.