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This study aims to measure the effect of financial literacy, demographic factors (income level, education level, gender), and the perception of return on interest in investing in shares of the millennial generation during the Covid-19 period. The sample used is 255 respondents using the purposive sampling method. The analytical technique used is multiple linear regression. These results show that financial literacy, high-income levels, and perceptions of return have an effect on interest in stock investment. Meanwhile, low-income levels, education levels, and gender have no effect on the millennial generation's interest in investing in shares during the Covid-19 period.
Penelitian ini bertujuan mengukur pengaruh literasi keuangan, faktor demografi (tingkat pendapatan, tingkat pendidikan, jenis kelamin), serta persepsi return pada minat investasi saham generasi milenial di masa Covid-19. Sampel yang dipergunakan berjumlah 255 responden mempergunakan metode purposive sampling. Teknik penganalisisan yang dipergunakan ialah regresi linier berganda. Hasil ini menampilkan literasi keuangan, tingkat pendapatan tinggi, dan persepsi return berpengaruh terhadap minat investasi saham. Sedangkan tingkat pendapatan, tingkat pendidikan, serta jenis kelamin rendah tidak berpengaruh pada minat investasi saham generasi milenial di masa Covid-19.
Article Details
Copyright (c) 2023 Yuliana Sugiarti, Rizal Mawardi

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
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