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This study aims to determine the effect of information system integration, information system flexibility, and share knowledge on individual performance at PT. Pembangunan Perumahan (Persero) Tbk. This study obtained 72 questionnaires distributed to employees of ERP system users who work at PT. Housing Development (Persero), Tbk Data analysis uses the WarpPLS program. The results of this study found that information system integration, information system flexibility, and share knowledge had a significant positive effect on individual performance. This study is useful for companies that use information systems to be able to see how much influence the information system component has on individual performance to improve organizational performance
Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui pengaruh sistem informasi terintegrasi, fleksibilitas sistem informasi, berbagi pengetahuan pada kinerja individu di PT. Pembangunan Perumahan (Persero) Tbk. Penelitian ini memeroleh 72 kuesioner yang didistribusikan kepada karyawan pengguna sistem ERP yang bekerja di PT. Pembangunan Perumahan (Persero) Tbk. Analisa data menggunakan program WarpPLS. Hasil penelitian menemukan bahwa sistem informasi terintegrasi, fleksibilitas sistem informasi, dan share knowledge berpengaruh positive signifikan terhadap kinerja individu. Penelitian ini bermanfaat bagi perusahaan yang menggunakan sistem informasi untuk dapat melihat seberapa besar pengaruh komponen sistem informasi terhadap kinerja individu agar dapat meningkatkan kinerja organisasi
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Copyright (c) 2023 Ardilla Ayu Kirana, Heru Tjaraka

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
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Windha AA, Fahmiswari I. K dan Ida Bagus Dharmadiaksa. 2013.” Pengaruh Kinerja Individual Karyawan Terhadap Efektifitas Penggunaan Sistem Informasi Akuntansi”. E-Jurnal Akunt Univ Udayana 53 690 n.d.;706.
Terry Anthony Byrd DET. Measuring the flexibility of information technology infrastructure: Exploratory analysis of a construct. J Manag Inf Syst 2000;17:167–208.
Maamir CI, Yadnyana IK. Pengaruh Efektivitas Penggunaan Dan Kepercayaan Pada Teknologi Sistem Informasi Terhadap Kinerja Individual Di PT PLN (Persero) Distribusi Bali Area Pelayanan Denpasar. E-Jurnal Akunt 2009.
Rizaldi F, Suryono B. Pengaruh sistem informasi akuntansi terhadap kinerja karyawan CV Teguh Karya Utama Surabaya. J Ilmu Ris Akunt 2015;4:1–18.
ALsarayreh MN, Jawabreh OA, Jaradat MM, ALamro SA. Technological impacts on effectiveness of accounting information systems (AIS) applied by aqaba tourist hotels. Eur J Sci Res 2011;59:361–9.
Nelson KM, Cooprider JG. The Contribution of Shared Knowledge to IS Group Performance. MIS Q 1996;20:409. doi:10.2307/249562.
Rom A, Rohde C. Management accounting and integrated information systems: A literature review. Int J Account Inf Syst 2007;8:40–68. doi:10.1016/j.accinf.2006.12.003.
Davenport TH. Putting the enterprise into the enterprise system. Harv Bus Rev 1998;76.
Henderson JC, Venkatraman N. Strategic alignment: a model for organizational transformation through information technology. Transform Organ 1992:97–117.
Rockart JF, Earl MJ, Ross JW. 14Eight imperatives for the new IT organization. Invent Organ 21st Century 1996;297.
Broadbent M, Weill P. Management by maxim: how business and IT managers can create IT infrastructures. Sloan Manage Rev 1997;38:77–92.
Gebauer J, Schober F. Information System Flexibility and the Cost Efficiency of Business Processes. J Assoc Inf Syst 2006;7:122–47. doi:10.17705/1jais.00084.
Pan G, Teoh S, Sun Seow P. Coordinating the processes of resource enrichment and capability deployment. Int J Account Inf Manag 2014;22:357–74. doi:10.1108/IJAIM-07-2013-0043.
Pan G, Teoh S, Sun Seow P. Coordinating the processes of resource enrichment and capability deployment: Lessons from IT implementation at a medium-sized accounting firm. Int J Account Inf Manag 2014;22:357–74.
Badaracco J, Badaracco JL. The knowledge link: How firms compete through strategic alliances. Harvard Business Press; 1991.
Dillard JF, Rigsby JT, Goodman C. The making and remaking of organization context: duality and the institutionalization process. Accounting, Audit Account J 2004;17:506–42.
Koopmans L, Bernaards CM, Hildebrandt VH, de Vet HCW, van der Beek AJ. Construct Validity of the Individual Work Performance Questionnaire. J Occup Environ Med 2014;56:331–7. doi:10.1097/JOM.0000000000000113.
Yigitbasioglu O. Firms’ information system characteristics and management accounting adaptability. Int J Account Inf Manag 2016;24:20–37. doi:10.1108/IJAIM-10-2014-0066.
Hill RP, Stephens D, Smith I. Corporate social responsibility: an examination of individual firm behavior. Bus Soc Rev 2003;108:339–64.
Bogdanowicz MS, Bailey EK. The value of knowledge and the values of the new knowledge worker: generation X in the new economy. J Eur Ind Train 2002;26:125–9. doi:10.1108/03090590210422003.