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This research aimed to find the influencing factors of SMEs’ decision in using outsourced accountant and the effect of such use towards SMEs’ performance by using Resource Based View (RBV) perspective. This research has been rarely done in Indonesia. Accidental-purposive sampling was chosen and the data were collected by distributing the questionnaire to 185 manufacturing-sector SMEs in Malang. By using Partial Least Square method, the researchers found that technical competence gave positive effect. The competition level negatively affected the SMEs decision in using the outsourced accountant. This research also figured out the positive impact of the outsourced accountant use towards SMEs performance.
Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi keputusan UMKM dalam menggunakan akuntan outsourcing dan dampak penggunaannya terhadap kinerja UMKM dengan menggunakan perspektif Resource Based View (RBV). Penelitian dengan tema akuntan outsourcing di UMKM sangat jarang dilakukan di Indonesia. Sampel dipilih dengan metode Accidental- Purposive Sampling. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan menyebarkan kuesioner ke 185 UMKM sektor manufaktur di Malang. Uji hipotesis ini menggunakan metode analisis Partial Least Square. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kompetensi teknis memberikan pengaruh positif, sedangkan tingkat persaingan berpengaruh negatif terhadap keputusan UMKM menggunakan akuntan outsourcing. Akhirnya, hasil penelitian juga menunjukkan penggunaan akuntan outsourcing berpengaruh positif terhadap kinerja UMKM
Article Details
Copyright (c) 2023 Fadilla Cahyaningtyas, Mega Noerman Ningtyas

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
- Carey PJ. External accountants’ business advice and SME performance. Pacific Account Rev 2015;27:166–88. doi:10.1108/PAR-04-2013-0020.
- Stone G. The effectiveness of newsletters in accountants’ client relations with small business managers: An Australian qualitative study. Qual Res Account Manag 2012;9:21–43. doi:10.1108/11766091211216097.
- Williams BR, O’Donovan G. The accountants’ perspective on sustainable business practices in SMEs. Soc Responsib J 2015;11:641–56. doi:10.1108/SRJ-07-2014-0096.
- Mwangi GM, Mutiso A, Mungai D. Assessing the Influence of Accounting Outsourcing on Financial Performance
- of Small and Medium Enterprises in Cahyaningtyas dan Ningtyas, Outsourcing akuntansi dan Kinerja UMKM... 181 Thika Subcounty, Kenya. Manag Econ Res J 2018;04:148. doi:10.18639/merj.2018.04.655595.
- Haselip J, Desgain D, Mackenzie G. Financing energy SMEs in ghana and senegal: Outcomes, barriers and prospects. Energy Policy 2014;65:369–76. doi:10.1016/j.enpol.2013.10.013.
- Kamyabi Y, Devi S. The impact of accounting outsourcing on Iranian SME performance: Transaction cost economics and resource-based perspectives. World Appl Sci J 2011;15:244–52. doi:
- Husin MA, Ibrahim MD. The Role of Accounting Services and Impact on Small Medium Enterprises (SMEs) Performance in Manufacturing Sector from East Coast Region of Malaysia: A Conceptual Paper. Procedia - Soc Behav Sci 2014;115:54–67. doi:10.1016/j.sbspro.2014.02.415.
- Kotabe M, Mol MJ. Outsourcing and financial performance: A negative curvilinear effect. J Purch Supply Manag 2009;15:205–13. doi:10.1016/J.PURSUP.2009.04.001.
- Jayabalan J, Dorasamy M, Ramlan M, Ching NK. Outsourcing of Accounting Functions amongst SME Companies in Malaysia: An Exploratory Study. Account Bus Public Interes 2009;8:96–114. doi:
- Kamyabi Y, Devi S. Use of Professional Accountants’ Advisory Services and its Impact on SME Performance in an Emerging Economy: A Resource-based View. J Manag Sustain 2011;1:43–55. doi:10.5539/jms.v1n1p43.
- Kamyabi Y, Devi S. An Empirical Investigation of Accounting Outsourcing in Iranian SMEs: Transaction Cost Economics and Resource-Based Views. Int J Bus Manag 2011;6:81–94. doi:10.5539/ijbm.v6n3p81.
- Cullinan CP, Zheng X. Accounting outsourcing and audit lag. Manag Audit J 2017;32:276–94. doi:10.1108/MAJ-03-2016-1349.
- Hafeez A. An Empirical Investigation Of Factors Influencing Management Accounting Outsourcing Practics Among Smes In Pakistan And The Effect Of Outsourcing On Firm’sPerformance. University of Agder, 2013. doi:10.1016/0011- 2275(85)90175-4.
- Cesaroni FM, Sentuti A. Accountants’ role in the management of succession: empirical evidence from Italy. J Fam Bus Manag 2016;6:270–90. doi:10.1108/JFBM-08-2015-0028.
- BPS dan Kemenkop. Perkembangan Data Usaha Mikro, Kecil, dan Menengah (UMKM) 2016-2017. WwwDepkopGoId 2017:2016–7. data-informasi/dataumkm/?eID=tx_rtgfiles_download&tx_rtgfiles_pi1%5Buid%5D=9.
- Rodriguez TFE, Fierro JCR. Factors determining hotel activity outsourcing. An approach based on competitive advantage. Int J Contemp Hosp Manag 2016. doi:
- McIvor R. How the transaction cost and resource-based theories of the firm
- inform outsourcing evaluation. J Oper Manag 2009;27:45–63. doi:10.1016/j.jom.2008.03.004.
- Neves LW de A, Hamacher S, Scavarda LF. Outsourcing from the perspectives of TCE and RBV: a multiple case study. Production 2013;24:687–99. doi:10.1590/s0103-65132013005000082.
- Tayauova G. Advantages and disadvantages of outsourcing: analysis of outsourcing practices of Kazakhstan
- banks. Procedia - Soc Behav Sci 2012;41:188–95. 182 Jurnal Riset dan Aplikasi: Akuntansi dan Manajemen, Vol. 4, No. 2, Maret 2020, hlm. 167 – 182 doi:10.1016/j.sbspro.2012.04.023.
- Anggadwita G, Mustafid QY. Identification of Factors Influencing the Performance of Small Medium Enterprises (SMEs). Procedia - Soc Behav Sci 2014;115:415–23. doi:10.1016/j.sbspro.2014.02.448.
- Ng HS, Kee DMH, Ramayah T. The role of transformational leadership, entrepreneurial competence and technical competence on enterprise success of owner-managed SMEs. J Gen Manag 2016;42:23–43. doi:10.1177/030630701604200103.
- Abiodun EA, Harry E. SME firms performance in Nigeria: Competitive advantage and its impact. Int J Res Stud Manag 2014;3:75–86. doi:10.5861/ijrsm.2014.854.
- Bustinza OF, Arias-Aranda D, Gutierrez-Gutierrez L. Outsourcing, competitive capabilities and performance: an empirical study in service firms. Int J Prod Econ 2010;126:276–88. doi:10.1016/j.ijpe.2010.03.023.
- Cahyaningtyas F. Duality in Small and Medium Enterprise Accounting Practices. J Innov Bus Econ 2017;1:59. doi:10.22219/jibe.vol1.no02.11-22.
- Hussein A. Penelitian Bisnis dan Manajemen Menggunakan PLS (smart-PLS 3.0) 2015:25.
- Undang-Undang. Government Regulation No. 20/2008. 2008.
- Kamyabi Y, Devi S. Using Transaction Cost Economics and Resource-Based Views in Management Accounting Outsourcing: An Empirical Study of Iranian SMEs. Middle-East J Sci Res 2011;10:87–98.
- Blackburn R, Carey P, Tanewski G. Business advice by accountants to SMEs: relationships and trust. Qual Res Account Manag 2018;15:358–84. doi:10.1108/QRAM-04-2017-0022.
- Carey P, Tanewski G. The provision of business advice to SMEs by external accountants. Manag Audit J 2016;31:290–313. doi:10.1108/MAJ- 12-2014-1131.
- Sok P, O’Cass A, Sok KM. Achieving superior SME performance: Overarching role of marketing, innovation, and learning capabilities. Australas Mark J 2013;21:161–7. doi:10.1016/j.ausmj.2013.04.001.
- Agburu JI, Anza NC, Iyortsuun AS. Effect of outsourcing strategies on the performance of small and medium scale enterprises (SMEs). J Glob Entrep Res 2017;7:1–34. doi:10.1186/s40497-017-0084-0.
- Ganesan Y, Haron H, Amran A, Pitchay AA. It is the External Accountant Matter in Business Performance of Small and Medium Enterprises? The Role of Non-Audit Services. Int Acad J Account Financ Manag 2018;5:36–48.
- Kamyabi Y, Devi S. The impact of advisory services on Iranian SME performance: An empirical investigation of the role of
- professional accountants. South African J Bus Manag 2018. doi:10.4102/sajbm.v43i2.184.
Carey PJ. External accountants’ business advice and SME performance. Pacific Account Rev 2015;27:166–88. doi:10.1108/PAR-04-2013-0020.
Stone G. The effectiveness of newsletters in accountants’ client relations with small business managers: An Australian qualitative study. Qual Res Account Manag 2012;9:21–43. doi:10.1108/11766091211216097.
Williams BR, O’Donovan G. The accountants’ perspective on sustainable business practices in SMEs. Soc Responsib J 2015;11:641–56. doi:10.1108/SRJ-07-2014-0096.
Mwangi GM, Mutiso A, Mungai D. Assessing the Influence of Accounting Outsourcing on Financial Performance
of Small and Medium Enterprises in Cahyaningtyas dan Ningtyas, Outsourcing akuntansi dan Kinerja UMKM... 181 Thika Subcounty, Kenya. Manag Econ Res J 2018;04:148. doi:10.18639/merj.2018.04.655595.
Haselip J, Desgain D, Mackenzie G. Financing energy SMEs in ghana and senegal: Outcomes, barriers and prospects. Energy Policy 2014;65:369–76. doi:10.1016/j.enpol.2013.10.013.
Kamyabi Y, Devi S. The impact of accounting outsourcing on Iranian SME performance: Transaction cost economics and resource-based perspectives. World Appl Sci J 2011;15:244–52. doi:
Husin MA, Ibrahim MD. The Role of Accounting Services and Impact on Small Medium Enterprises (SMEs) Performance in Manufacturing Sector from East Coast Region of Malaysia: A Conceptual Paper. Procedia - Soc Behav Sci 2014;115:54–67. doi:10.1016/j.sbspro.2014.02.415.
Kotabe M, Mol MJ. Outsourcing and financial performance: A negative curvilinear effect. J Purch Supply Manag 2009;15:205–13. doi:10.1016/J.PURSUP.2009.04.001.
Jayabalan J, Dorasamy M, Ramlan M, Ching NK. Outsourcing of Accounting Functions amongst SME Companies in Malaysia: An Exploratory Study. Account Bus Public Interes 2009;8:96–114. doi:
Kamyabi Y, Devi S. Use of Professional Accountants’ Advisory Services and its Impact on SME Performance in an Emerging Economy: A Resource-based View. J Manag Sustain 2011;1:43–55. doi:10.5539/jms.v1n1p43.
Kamyabi Y, Devi S. An Empirical Investigation of Accounting Outsourcing in Iranian SMEs: Transaction Cost Economics and Resource-Based Views. Int J Bus Manag 2011;6:81–94. doi:10.5539/ijbm.v6n3p81.
Cullinan CP, Zheng X. Accounting outsourcing and audit lag. Manag Audit J 2017;32:276–94. doi:10.1108/MAJ-03-2016-1349.
Hafeez A. An Empirical Investigation Of Factors Influencing Management Accounting Outsourcing Practics Among Smes In Pakistan And The Effect Of Outsourcing On Firm’sPerformance. University of Agder, 2013. doi:10.1016/0011- 2275(85)90175-4.
Cesaroni FM, Sentuti A. Accountants’ role in the management of succession: empirical evidence from Italy. J Fam Bus Manag 2016;6:270–90. doi:10.1108/JFBM-08-2015-0028.
BPS dan Kemenkop. Perkembangan Data Usaha Mikro, Kecil, dan Menengah (UMKM) 2016-2017. WwwDepkopGoId 2017:2016–7. data-informasi/dataumkm/?eID=tx_rtgfiles_download&tx_rtgfiles_pi1%5Buid%5D=9.
Rodriguez TFE, Fierro JCR. Factors determining hotel activity outsourcing. An approach based on competitive advantage. Int J Contemp Hosp Manag 2016. doi:
McIvor R. How the transaction cost and resource-based theories of the firm
inform outsourcing evaluation. J Oper Manag 2009;27:45–63. doi:10.1016/j.jom.2008.03.004.
Neves LW de A, Hamacher S, Scavarda LF. Outsourcing from the perspectives of TCE and RBV: a multiple case study. Production 2013;24:687–99. doi:10.1590/s0103-65132013005000082.
Tayauova G. Advantages and disadvantages of outsourcing: analysis of outsourcing practices of Kazakhstan
banks. Procedia - Soc Behav Sci 2012;41:188–95. 182 Jurnal Riset dan Aplikasi: Akuntansi dan Manajemen, Vol. 4, No. 2, Maret 2020, hlm. 167 – 182 doi:10.1016/j.sbspro.2012.04.023.
Anggadwita G, Mustafid QY. Identification of Factors Influencing the Performance of Small Medium Enterprises (SMEs). Procedia - Soc Behav Sci 2014;115:415–23. doi:10.1016/j.sbspro.2014.02.448.
Ng HS, Kee DMH, Ramayah T. The role of transformational leadership, entrepreneurial competence and technical competence on enterprise success of owner-managed SMEs. J Gen Manag 2016;42:23–43. doi:10.1177/030630701604200103.
Abiodun EA, Harry E. SME firms performance in Nigeria: Competitive advantage and its impact. Int J Res Stud Manag 2014;3:75–86. doi:10.5861/ijrsm.2014.854.
Bustinza OF, Arias-Aranda D, Gutierrez-Gutierrez L. Outsourcing, competitive capabilities and performance: an empirical study in service firms. Int J Prod Econ 2010;126:276–88. doi:10.1016/j.ijpe.2010.03.023.
Cahyaningtyas F. Duality in Small and Medium Enterprise Accounting Practices. J Innov Bus Econ 2017;1:59. doi:10.22219/jibe.vol1.no02.11-22.
Hussein A. Penelitian Bisnis dan Manajemen Menggunakan PLS (smart-PLS 3.0) 2015:25.
Undang-Undang. Government Regulation No. 20/2008. 2008.
Kamyabi Y, Devi S. Using Transaction Cost Economics and Resource-Based Views in Management Accounting Outsourcing: An Empirical Study of Iranian SMEs. Middle-East J Sci Res 2011;10:87–98.
Blackburn R, Carey P, Tanewski G. Business advice by accountants to SMEs: relationships and trust. Qual Res Account Manag 2018;15:358–84. doi:10.1108/QRAM-04-2017-0022.
Carey P, Tanewski G. The provision of business advice to SMEs by external accountants. Manag Audit J 2016;31:290–313. doi:10.1108/MAJ- 12-2014-1131.
Sok P, O’Cass A, Sok KM. Achieving superior SME performance: Overarching role of marketing, innovation, and learning capabilities. Australas Mark J 2013;21:161–7. doi:10.1016/j.ausmj.2013.04.001.
Agburu JI, Anza NC, Iyortsuun AS. Effect of outsourcing strategies on the performance of small and medium scale enterprises (SMEs). J Glob Entrep Res 2017;7:1–34. doi:10.1186/s40497-017-0084-0.
Ganesan Y, Haron H, Amran A, Pitchay AA. It is the External Accountant Matter in Business Performance of Small and Medium Enterprises? The Role of Non-Audit Services. Int Acad J Account Financ Manag 2018;5:36–48.
Kamyabi Y, Devi S. The impact of advisory services on Iranian SME performance: An empirical investigation of the role of
professional accountants. South African J Bus Manag 2018. doi:10.4102/sajbm.v43i2.184.