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This research aims to update technology capability 4.0 as the goal of the achievement of accounting learning with a Javanese philosophy momong, among and ngemong. The philosophy of learning heutagogis by giving choices and opportunities to design learning process. Descriptive qualitative methods through interviews were used in this study. The results explain accounting 4.0 design that fosters convergence of knowledge and technology. This convergence makes development of adaptive accounting. The process of continuous free of learning transdi-sciplinary accounting momong, among and ngemon, because this concept puts forward a dynamic and flexible egalitarian pedagogy to explore scholar creatively, independently and responsibly.
Penelitian untuk mengupdate kapabilitas teknologi 4.0 sebagai tujuan capaian pembelajaran akuntansi dengan pendekatan falsafah Jawa momong, among dan ngemong. Falsafah belajar heutagogis dengan memberi pilihan dan peluang mendesain proses pembelajaran. Metode kualitatif deskriptif melalui wawancara digunakan dalam penelitian ini. Hasil menjelaskan desain akuntansi 4.0 yang menumbuhkan konvergensi pengetahuan dan teknologi. Konvergensi ini membuat pengembangan akuntansi adaptif. Proses keleluasaan berkelanjutan belajar akuntansi transdisipliner momong, among dan ngemong, karena konsep ini mengedepankan pedagogi egalitarian dinamis dan fleksibel untuk mengeksplorasi mahasiswa secara kreatif, mandiri dan bertanggung jawab.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Whedy Prasetyo

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Goldwater, P. M., & Fogarty, T. J. (2007). Protecting the Solution: A “High-Tech.” Method to Guarantee Individual Effort in Accounting Classes. Accounting Education, 16(2), 129–143.
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