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The aims of this research was to conduct a developmnet research model to design an Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) at Rayanet Surabaya. This research uses the model of Borg and Gall (1983). The research phase starting from problem identification, data collection, arranging of the product, and expert validation test. The data collection technique useobservation, interviews, and questionnaires. Questionnaire as an instrument of expert validation consists of four measurement aspects such as usability, convenience, completeness, and legibility. The technique used to analyze the data is the average value analysis. The results of this study was 21 Financial Management SOP and 20 Operational Services SOP. Based on testing by two validators expert, the product is considered to have a level of usability, convenience, completeness, and high readability.
Tujuan penelitian ini untuk menghasilkan sistem mutu berbentuk Standar Operasional Prosedur (SOP) di Rayanet Surabaya. Jenis penelitian ini merupakan model penelitian pengembangan Borg dan Gall (1983). Tahap penelitian dimulai dari identifikasi masalah, pengumpulan data, penyusunan produk, dan uji validasi ahli. Teknik pengumpulan data yaitu observasi (pengamatan), interview (wawancara), dan kuisioner (angket). Angket sebagai instrumen validasi ahli terdiri dari 4 aspek penilaian, yaitu aspek kegunaan, kemudahan, kelengkapan, dan keterbacaan. Teknik yang digunakan untuk menganalisis data hasil skoring validasi adalah dengan menggunakan nilai rata-rata. Penelitian ini menghasilkan 21 SOP Pengelolaan Keuangan dan 20 SOP Pelayanan.Validasi ahli menyatakan SOP mempunyai tingkat kegunaan, kemudahan, kelengkapan, dan keterbacaan yang tinggi.
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Miao, H. dan Bassham, M.W. 2006. Embracing Customer
Service in Libraries. Library Management,
, 53-61.
Mira, L.M., Gehld J., Sersa, G., Collins, C.G., Garbay,
J.R., Billard, V., Geertsen, P.F., Rudolf, Z.,
O’sullifan, G.C., dan Martya, M. 2006.
Standard Operating Procedures of the
Electrochemotherapy: Instructions for the Use
of Bleomycin or Cisplatin Administered Either Systemically or Locally and Electric Pulses
Delivered by the Cliniporatortm by Means of
Invasive or Non-Invasive Electrodes. EJC Supplements,
, 14-25.
Mulyadi. 2016. Sistem Akuntansi. Cetakan ke-4 Edisi
Salemba Empat: Jakarta.
Arasuraman, A., Zeithaml, V.A. dan Berry, L.L.
(1988), SERVQUAL: A Multiple-Item Scale
for Measuring Consumer Perceptions of Service
Quality. Journal of Retailing, 64(1), 12-
Prasanna. 2013. Standard Operating Procedures for
Standalone Hotels. Research Journal of Management
Science, 2(7), 1-9.
Roslah Johari dan A.N. Zainab. 2007. Identifying
What Services Need to be Improved by
Measuring the Library’s Performance. Malaysian
Journal of Library & Information Science,
(1), 35-53.
Rhoades, D.L. dan Blaise W. Jr. B. 2008. Twenty
Years of Service Quality Performance in the
US Airline Industry. Managing Service Quality,
(1), 20-33.
Ritchie, L. 2002. Driving quality – clinical governance
in the National Health Service. Managing
Service Quality, 12(2): 117-128.
Sartono, A. 2008. Manajemen Keuangan, Teori dan
Aplikasi. BPFE-Yogyakarta.
Setiawati, W. 2015. Penyusunan Standard Operating
Procedures (SOP) pada PT. Sketsa Cipta Graha
di Surabaya. Agora, 3(1), 514-522.
Snoj, B dan Petermanec, Z. 2001. Let Users Judge the
Quality of Faculty Library Services. New Library
World, 102(9), 314-324.
Spathis, C., Petridou, E. dan Glaveli, N. 2004. Managing
Quality Service in Banks: Customers’
Gender Effects. Managing Service Quality.
(1), 90-102.
Sugiyono. 2009. Metode Penelitian Pendidikan Pendekatan
Kuantitatif, Kualitatif, dan R & D.
Alfabeta : Bandung.
Susanti, C.E. 2009. TQM dan ISO 9000:2000 dalam
Pelayanan Kesehatan VS Malcom Baldrige
National Quality Award (MBNQA). In the 3rd
National Conference Faculty of Economics Towards
a New Business Architecture, October,
, 2009, Universitas Katolik Widya Mandala