Main Article Content
Abstract: Strengthening SME Financial Performance through Intangible Assets and Competitive Strategies
Purpose: the purpose of the article should be concise and presented in one sentence.
Method: data was obtained from a questionnaire and processed with WarpPLS software.
Results: Intangible Assets have a positive and significant effect on the financial performance of SMEs, competitive strategy also acts as a moderator of Intangible Assets on the financial performance of SMEs in the Mangrove batik industry in Surabaya.
Novelty: competitive strategy can strengthen the relationship between intangible assets and financial performance.
Contribution: Provide justification for the importance of invention for SMEs that can strengthen financial performance.
Abstrak: Penguatan Kinerja Keuangan UKM melalui Aset Tidak Berwujud dan Strategi Bersaing
Tujuan: untuk menguji dan menganalisis pengaruh Aset Tak Berwujud terhadap Kinerja Keuangan UKM, serta menguji apakah strategi bersaing moderasi berpengaruh terhadap Aset Tak Berwujud terhadap kinerja keuangan UKM Batik Mangrove di Surabaya.
Metode: data diperoleh dari kuesioner dan diolah dengan software WarpPLS
Hasil: Aset Tak Berwujud berpengaruh positiff dan signifikan terhadap kinerja keuangan UKM, strategi bersaing juga berperan sebagai moderator Aset Tidak Berwujud dengan kinerja keuangan UKM pada industri batik Mangrove di Surabaya.
Kebaruan: Strategi bersaing dapat memperkuat hubunan antara intangible asset dengan financial performance.
Kontribusi: Memberikan justifikasi pentingnya invensi pada UKM yang dapat memperkuat kinerja keuangan
Article Details
Copyright (c) 2024 Aranta Prista Dilasari, Annita Mahmudah, Mesra Berlyn Hakim

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
- P. Wahyuningrum, A. Sukmawati, and L. Kartika, Peningkatan Kinerja Usaha Kecil dan Menengah (UKM) Kluster Kerajinan di Kota Depok Menggunakan The House Model, J. Manaj. dan Organ., 2016,
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Nurul Mufida, Muhammad Saifi, and Ari Darmawan, Pengaruh Modal Intelektual, Set Kesempatan Investasi Terhadap Kinerja Keuangan Dan Nilai Perusahaan Makanan dan Minumam Yang Terdaftar Pada BEI Periode 2012-2016, SKETSA BISNIS, 2020,
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J. H. Daum, Intangible assets-Based Enterprise Management – A Practical Approach, Proc. 2005 PMA IC Symp. Stern Sch. Bus., 2005.
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A. Metzlar, Strategic intent and the strategic position of smallholders: a case study of a smallholders’ organization in the Ghanaian cocoa industry, Rev. Soc. Econ., 2017,
S. Ambec, M. A. Cohen, S. Elgie, and P. Lanoie, The porter hypothesis at 20: Can environmental regulation enhance innovation and competitiveness?, Rev. Environ. Econ. Policy, 2013,
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K. Krismiaji, Strategi bisnis, leverage keuangan dan kinerja perusahaan, J. Akunt. Audit. Indones., 2017,
K. Kuswantoro and I. Alfi, Strategi Keuangan UMKM Cilacap Menghadapi Pandemi Covid 19 (Studi Kasus UMKM Kabupaten Cilacap), J. Teknol. dan Bisnis, 2020,
K. Sedyastuti, Analisis Pemberdayaan UMKM Dan Peningkatan Daya Saing Dalam Kancah Pasar Global, INOBIS J. Inov. Bisnis dan Manaj. Indones., 2018,
M. N. . Fitriyani, I., Sudiyarti, N. ., & Fietroh, Strategi Manajemen Bisnis Pasca Pandemi Covid-19, Indones. J. Soc. Sci. Humanit., 2020.
S. Y. Ho and H. J. Fu, The impacts of leadership styles on work performances and organizational innovations in the financial distress industry, Rev. Cercet. si Interv. Soc., 2018.
Munadjat, Improving the welfare of small and medium enterprises of culinary tourism in the creative industries of bandung city in the West Java Province of Indonesia, Man India, 2016.
F. Darung and V. Kristinae, Arsitektur Strategi Bisnis Dalam Meningkatkan Kesejahteraan Ukm Makanan Kecil Pada Masa Covid-19 Di Kalimantan Tengah, Open J. Syst., 2020,
R. Slamet, B. Nainggolan, R. Roessobiyatno, H. Ramdani, A. Hendriyanto, and L. L. Ilma, Strategi Pengembangan UKM Digital Dalam Menghadapi Era Pasar Bebas, J. Manaj. Indones., 2017,
H. Pribadi and K. Kanai, Examining and exploring Indonesia small and medium enterprise performance : An empirical study, Asian J. Bus. Manag., 2011.
H. S. Seo and Y. Kim, Intangible assets investment and firms’ performance: Evidence from small and medium-sized enterprises in Korea, J. Bus. Econ. Manag., 2020,
E. Savitri and A. Syahza, Effect of human capital and competitive strategies against the financial performance of small and medium enterprises, Int. J. Sci. Technol. Res., 2019.
H. Hanny, V. Herawaty, and H. Hasnawati, Pengaruh Tax Avoidance, Corporate Governance Dan Dividend Payout Ratio Terhadap Kinerja Perusahaan Dengan Strategi Bisnis Sebagai Variabel Moderasi, J. Magister Akunt. Trisakti, 2019,
H. E. G. Echegoyen, S. Coronado, and A. T. López, Marke forces, competitive strategies and small business performance: Evidence from Mexico`s low-income market, Contaduria y Administracion. 2020,
J. St-Pierre and J. Audet, Intangible assets and performance: Analysis on manufacturing SMEs, J. Intellect. Cap., 2011,
T. L. Wheelen and J. D. Hunger, Strategic Management and Business Policy- Toward Global Sustainability. 2012.
I. Mavlutova, A. Sarnovics, and G. Olevsky, Business Restructuring As A Tool Of Financial Strategy Of A Company, 2014,
A. S. Aydiner, E. Tatoglu, E. Bayraktar, S. Zaim, and D. Delen, Business analytics and firm performance: The mediating role of business process performance, J. Bus. Res., 2019,
J. B. Barney, Strategic Factor Markets: Expectations, Luck, and Business Strategy, M72anage. Sci., 1986,
T. T. Nguyen, L. Mia, L. Winata, and V. K. Chong, Effect of transformational-leadership style and management control system on managerial performance, J. Bus. Res., 2017,
H. H. M. Tse and W. C. K. Chiu, Transformational leadership and job performance: A social identity perspective, J. Bus. Res., 2014,
G. Azka, M. Q. Tahir, A. K. M, and T. H. Syed, Transformational leadership, employee engagement and performance: Mediating effect of psychological ownership, African J. Bus. Manag., 2011,
N. Shen, K. Au, and W. Li, Strategic alignment of intangible assets: The role of corporate social responsibility, Asia Pacific J. Manag., 2020,
Gamayuni RR. The effect of intangible asset, financial performance and financial policies on the firm value. International Journal of scientific and technology research. 2015;4(1):202-12.
J. M. M. Cavalcanti, H. F. Amaral, L. F. Correia, and C. M. da S. Roma, Do intangible assets matter to financial analysts in the Brazilian stock market?, Rev. Bras. Gest. Negocios, 2020,
B. Wernerfelt, The resource‐based view of the firm: Ten years after, Strateg. Manag. J., 1995,
C. J. Collins, Expanding the resource based view model of strategic human resource management, Int. J. Hum. Resour. Manag., 2021,
G. F. Davis and T. DeWitt, Organization Theory and the Resource-Based View of the Firm: The Great Divide, J. Manage., 2021,
S. Asbury and P. Ashwell, Business Environment, in Health & Safety, Environment and Quality Audits, 2020.
F. Fitriasari, How do Small and Medium Enterprise (SME) survive the COVID-19 outbreak?, J. Inov. Ekon., 2020,
T. Izumi, V. Sukhwani, A. Surjan, and R. Shaw, Managing and responding to pandemics in higher educational institutions: initial learning from COVID-19, Int. J. Disaster Resil. Built Environ., 2020,
M. Cepel, B. Gavurova, J. Dvorsky, and J. Belas, The impact of the covid-19 crisis on the perception of business risk in the sme segment, J. Int. Stud., 2020,
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