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There are so many events in Indonesia today, one of which influences the overall economy is the presidential election. This presidential election event is a non-economic event but has impacted the country's stability significantly. The presidential election event that will be held in 2024 will bring hope to the Indonesian people for better changes. When there is an improvement in the economy and political situation, market participants experience a sense of assurance and security, which encourages them to participate in the capital market. The aim of this study is to examine the impact of the announcement of Anies Baswedan and Ganjar Pranowo's selection as presidential candidates on the Abnormal Return rate and Trading Volume activity of stocks listed in the LQ-45 Index on the Indonesian Stock Exchange (BEI). The research employs a quantitative event study methodology, encompassing a 14-day observation period. This time is divided into two equal parts: a preannouncement phase of 7 days and a post-announcement period of 7 days. The data employed in this study is of a secondary origin and was acquired from the official websites of Bursa Indonesia and Yahoo Finance. The research findings indicated that there were no statistically significant disparities in Abnormal Return prior to and subsequent to the event. However, a notable disparity in Volume Trading activity was observed prior to and after the official declaration of the appointment of Anies Baswedan and Ganjar Pranowo as presidential candidates.


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