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As a Telkom Indonesia’s internal startup, Sprinthink has continued to move and look for ways to survive amid the uncertainty of the business world, but they also often experience several internal problems. To solve a company problem, author used VRIO framework for internal analysis, and Porter’s Five Force also PEST external analysis, then it’s all will be summarize into SWOT as input to be entered into the IFAS and EFAS calculation, and the results are merged in SWOT Matrix Diagram. Based on calculated data it shown that Sprinthink has good internal condition where strength was more dominant than weakness and opportunity factor is more dominant than threat, meaning that Sprinthink has a strong competitive position it the market with rapid growth. The result puts Sprinthink on 1st quadrant (aggressive environment) and it is identified that adaptive strategy is the best-fit strategy to support the process of implementing strategic plan in aggressive environment for agile organization. In addition, the use of 7s McKinsey Framework is needed to describe a global picture of Sprinthink business.


adaptive strategy agile organizational agility

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