Information System Of Accounting, Batik, Embroidery, PKMAbstract
The increasingly heavier life demands, especially in the economic sector, have encouraged
housewives in Desa Pakisaji, Kabupaten Malang to set up Ron Tuwuh batik tulis business group
and Prohandji Embroidery business group. The batik works are quite good and have begun to be
well-known, especially among government agencies in Kabupaten Malang, as well as their
embroidery works. There have been several steps taken to develop themselves in terms of design,
namely by establishing a partnership with the 2019 Partnership PKM team of Information
Technology Department of State Polytechnic of Malang. They have learned to design using
applications built and as a result their designs become more up-to-date and the workmanship
becomes more efficient. In an effort to sustain this program, this year the same team also continued
PKM Partnership by solving other problems faced. From the results of interviews and observations
conducted, it was found that each group had problems in the field of financial recording. The
income of the batik cloth and the embroidered cloth are still recorded manually so that the financial
recording process of both income and expenditure is ineffective and inefficient. From these
problems, an Accounting Information System, SAKTIPOL was created which aims to assist both
groups in the field of financial management. In addition, after the system was designed, this team
then provided training and assistance in the use of this computer and internet-based application
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