The Effectiveness of Activated Charcoal from Coconut Shell as The Adsorbent of Water Purification in The Laboratory Process of Chemical Engineering Universitas Ahmad Dahlan Yogyakarta
activated charcoal, column filter, hardnessAbstract
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji efektivitas arang aktif dari tempurung kelapa untuk pemurnian air di Laboratorium Proses Teknik Kimia, Universitas Ahmad Dahlan, Yogyakarta. Penelitian terdiri dari tiga tahapan: Tahapan pertama, menganalisis kandungan air Laboratorium Teknik Kimia UAD, Tahapan kedua, pengujian efektivitas arang aktif untuk penjernihan air dengan dua (2) cara: (1) filter kolom arang aktif dan (2) pencampuran arang aktif dan air sampel, kemudian dilakukan pengadukan. Tahapan ketiga, menganalisa hasil pemurnian air seperti analisis pH, kadar logam, kesadahan (hardness), kadar sulfat (SO4), kadar fluoride, dan mineral. Parameter pemurnian air merujuk pada Clean Water Quality Standards Kementrian Kesehatan. Hasil penelitian yang diperoleh menunjukkan bahwa pemurnian air menggunakan metode kolom filter dapat mengurangi kesadahan kalsium karbonat (CaCO3) hingga 15,33%, kadar asam sulfat (SO4) hingga 98,21%, kadar Flourida (F) hingga 93,35% pada ketebalan kolom arang aktif 15 cm. Sedangkan pemurnian air dengan pencampuran arang aktif dan pengadukan selama 30 menit dengan kecepatan 1000 rpm dapat mengurangi tingkat kekesadahan CaCO3 hingga 26,81%, kadar asam sulfat (SO4) hingga 98,23%, dan fluorida (F) hingga 93,35%. Pemurnian air melalui pencampuran arang aktif dan air dengan pengadukan lebih baik daripada penggunaan kolom arang aktif, karena klorida, bahan organik, nitrit, nitrat, Fe, Mn, CN- tidak ditemukan dalam air setelah pemurnian.
This study aims to examine the effectiveness of activated charcoal from coconut shells for water purification at the Chemical Engineering Process Laboratory, Ahmad Dahlan University, Yogyakarta. The first stage, analyzing the water content of the UAD Chemical Engineering Laboratory, Second, testing the effectiveness of activated charcoal for water purification in two (2) ways: (1) activated charcoal column filter and (2 ) mixing the activated charcoal and water samples, then stirring. The third, analyzing the results of water purification such as analysis of pH, metal content, hardness (hardness), sulfate levels (SO4), fluoride levels, and minerals. Water purification parameters refer to the Ministry of Health's Clean Water Quality Standards. The results optimum obtained using the column filter in thickness activated charcoal column 15 cm could reduce hardness (CaCO3) by 15.33%, sulfuric acid (SO4) levels up to 98.21%, Fluoride (F) levels up to 93.35%. While by mixing activated charcoal (15 gram) and water (500 ml) with stirring for 30 minutes at a speed of 1000 rpm could reduce hardness levels by 26.81%, sulfuric acid (SO4) levels up to 98.23%, and fluoride (F) up to 93.35%. Purification of water through the mixing of activated charcoal and water with stirring is better than using an activated charcoal column because it is better than the chloride, organic matter, nitrite, nitrate, Fe, Mn, CN- are not found in the water after purification.
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