Aplikasi Chitosan Modified Carboxymethyl sebagai Coating Agent dalam Perbaikan Mutu Kertas
Coating agent, Chitosan Modified Carboxymethyl, recycled paper.Abstract
This study aimed to determine the effect of coating paper with Modified Carboxymethyl Chitosan (Cs-Mcm) to improve the quality of the paper, including paper grammage, tensile strength of paper, torn paper and a strong degree of fineness of the paper. The study was conducted by superimposing the Cs-Mcm as a coating agent on a paper-based pulp rice straw pulp waste paper and pulp mixture (rice straw and waste paper) with various concentration of acetic acid solvent 2%, 3%, 5% and 7%. The analysis showed the concentration of acetic acid solvent effect on the quality of recycled paper. Coating with Cs-Mcm in this study can improve the quality of recycled paper.
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