Effect the Addition of Biodiesel from Nyamplung Oil (Calophyllum Inophyllum) on Performance and Emission Characteristics of Diesel Engines
biodiesel, nyamplung oil, performance, emission, diesel engine.Abstract
In this study, the use of biodiesel from nyamplung oil (Calophyllum Inophyllum) was studied through a transesterification reaction using a heterogeneous catalyst of CaO from limestone originating from Pamekasan, Madura. The composition ratio used between nyamplung oil and methanol in the transesterification reaction was 1:12 (mol/mol) with the addition of 4% CaO catalyst. The biodiesel that is formed is then tested for its performance and emission characteristics in diesel engines with various fuel mixtures between pure diesel and biodiesel (B-10, B-20, B-30, B-40, B-100 and S-100). The test results for biodiesel blends with the highest power produced from B-10, B-20, B-30 and B-100 fuels were 0.26 kW each at a load of 250 watts. While at a load of 500 watts, the highest power is obtained from the B-40 fuel, which is 0.58 kW. The results of performance testing using S-100 fuel obtained the highest power values of 0.27 and 0.58 kW, respectively, with a load of 250 and 500 watts. Performance testing for biodiesel blends, the highest torque value was obtained when using B-10, B-20, B-30 and B-100 fuels, which were 1.65 N.m each with a load of 250 watts. While at a load of 500 watts, the highest torque is obtained on B-40 fuel, which is 3.69 N.m. The fuel S-100 produces torque of 1.71 and 3.69 N.m, respectively, with a load of 250 and 500 watts. Emission gases characteristics of carbon monoxide (CO), nitrogen monoxide (NO) and nitrogen oxides (NOx) showed the lowest concentrations obtained in B-100 fuel were 387 ppm, 92 ppm and 96 ppm, respectively. Meanwhile, the highest concentrations of CO, NO and NOx emissions were produced from pure diesel fuel (S-100), namely 574 ppm, 126 ppm and 132 ppm, respectively.
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