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The PT100 temperature sensor, a type RTD (resistance temperature detector), is widely employed in industries, particularly for steam boiler temperature regulation. Precise temperature measurement is vital for operational efficiency and safety maintenance. Utilizing linear regression for calibrating and measuring temperature with the PT100 sensor integrated with Arduino Uno and LCD I2C is proposed to enhance accuracy. Testing involved assembling the PT100 sensor with Arduino Uno and LCD I2C. Test data were employed for linear regression to derive the calibration equation. Measurements were conducted by comparing PT100 sensor readings with a digital thermometer across a temperature range of 30ºC to 75ºC at 5ºC intervals, with each temperature point tested five times. Results exhibit good accuracy in temperature measurement with the PT100 sensor, featuring low error and percentage error. The standard deviation indicates consistent measurement. Integration of the PT100 temperature sensor with Arduino Uno and LCD I2C, coupled with linear regression for calibration, yields a precise temperature measurement system. Testing against a digital thermometer demonstrates highly accurate outcomes. This developed system finds application in high-precision temperature measurement for steam boiler operations.


PT100 temperature sensor Temperature calibration Linear regression Arduino Uno

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Author Biography

Misriana Misriana, Politeknik Negeri Lhokseumawe

Teknik Elektro


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