Otomatisasi Mesin Gergaji Kayu Berbasis PLC
saw, wood, HMIAbstract
The timber industry in the process of cutting is done several types of sawing machine that has been designed in accordance with the needs of use facilitatein the process of cutting. Besides the saw machine simplifythe work given the limited ability of the power human beings either in the form of materials to be cut and safety work of employees. If the company is just a racket manpower is very limited, so to increase that efficiency desirable will be difficult to achieve, therefore required appropriate technology to help improve the eficiency. Technology that can help is to use shawmill machine automatically. In the process of sawing there are several types of sawmill such as: disc saw, bandsaw, in this case the writer uses bandsaw, adjusted with observation data with the power of 22 Kw saws and at the train with power of 1.5Kw. In the manufacture of this control the autor uses the HMI program in the process of controlling the engine from a distance, and operates it. Inside the HMI can be seen on a running machine and a machine that is a trouble.
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