Penilaian Kualitas Gas SF6 Pada GISTET 500/150 kV
GIS, dew point, humidity, condition assessmentAbstract
The number of Gas Insulated Switchgear (GIS) in operation is increasing in Indonesia. GIS failure requires expensive costs and
extensive blackouts. Asset reliability management such as SF6 is needed to ensure GIS performance. Several studies have tested the
quality of SF6 gas to assess the feasibility and operation of the GIS. However, a complete GIS feasibility study based on SF6 gas quality
parameters has not found. In this study, a condition assessment of the GISTET Kembangan 500/150 kV was carried out based on applicable
international standards. There is an interesting phenomenon in the form of dew point anomaly and moisture content in several
compartments, indicating that the gas is moist. The results of this study indicate the operational feasibility of the GISTET Kembangan
500/150 kV , the effect of high humidity on GIS operations, and maintenance recommendations.
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