Plagiarism Policy

JIM Editorial Team recognizes that plagiarism is unacceptable and has therefore established the following policy, outlining specific actions (penalties) to be taken when plagiarism is identified in an article submitted for publication in JIM. To this end, before submission, JIM encourages authors to perform independent plagiarism checks. If an article is accepted, JIM will conduct a plagiarism check before it is published.

Manuscripts submitted by authors will be reviewed by the editorial team, primarily to ensure that the manuscript's similarity with other articles does not exceed a maximum of 25% using iThenticate software. Additionally, the editorial team will check the manuscript's compliance with the journal's scope, format, and template. If any inconsistencies are found, the editor will return the manuscript to the author for revisions.

Therefore, articles must be original, unpublished, and not under consideration for publication elsewhere. Material directly quoted from other sources must be clearly identified to distinguish it from the original text.

Actions in Case of Plagiarism:

If plagiarism is identified, the Editor-in-Chief is responsible for reviewing the article and deciding on actions based on the extent of the plagiarism detected, following these guidelines:

Levels of Plagiarism:

  1. Partial copying of short sentences from another article without proper citation. Action: The author will receive a warning and be required to revise the text and cite the source properly.
  2. Substantial copying from another article without proper citation or acknowledgment. Action: The case will be noted as a significant offense and will be carefully considered before allowing the author to publish in JIM again.

Author Responsibility:

All authors are responsible for the content of the articles they submit. If an article is deemed to contain plagiarism, all authors will face the same consequences.

If an author is found to have submitted a manuscript to JIM while also submitting it to another journal simultaneously, and this is discovered during the review process or after publication, the same actions as in point 2 above will be taken, and the article will be withdrawn.

In cases of plagiarism not covered by the above rules, the JIM editorial team reserves the right to impose sanctions as deemed appropriate according to editorial policies.