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3D printing mengubah desain digital menjadi objek nyata, tetapi loss step pada motor stepper. Penelitian ini bertujuan meningkatkan kontrol printer 3D skala besar melalui firmware khusus untuk motor servo BLDC pada sumbu X dan Y, guna meningkatkan efisiensi dan kualitas. Motor BLDC yang semakin terjangkau dan berkinerja tinggi mendorong kebutuhan solusi inovatif, karena firmware servo BLDC yang sesuai belum ada. Dengan menggunakan Close-Loop Interrupt Speed, firmware ini dirancang untuk meningkatkan kecepatan dan presisi cetak. Implementasi dan uji coba eksperimental akan memastikan kompatibilitas dan keandalan sistem dalam jangka panjang, khususnya pada mesin 3D printer skala besar. Hasil penelitian diharapkan dapat meningkatkan kontrol pergerakan ekstruder dan ekstrusi material, yang menghasilkan cetakan lebih presisi dan konsisten dalam skala besar.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Resti Dyah Ayu Retno Palupi, Budhy Setiawan, Indrazno Siradjuddin

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
- Jinyang Huang, Fang Yamin. Design of CNC Feed Servo System Based on Fuzzy PID. 2021.
- Awalia Anief, Sumbodo Wirawan. Perancangan 3D Printer Tipe Core XY Berbasis Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM) Menggunakan Software Autodesk Inventor 2015. Fakultas Teknik Universitas Negeri Semarang. Semarang. 2018.
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- Bukhari SBH, Tanveer T, Abid A, Anwar S. Design and Fabrication of Inexpensive Portable Polar 3D Printer. 2023.
- Maravi DA, Iparraguirre GM, Prado SR. Implementation of a Digital PID Control for the Compensation of Loss Steps from CORE XY 3D Printer Motors Working at High Speeds. IEEE. 2020.
- Konstantyan VN, Sannikov AS, Atabaeva DM, Morozov AI. Highly Integrated Compact Motion Control System for Brushless DC Machine. In: 2020 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology (ICIT). IEEE; 2020. p. 327-329.
- C. Qing, L. Zhongjin, and W. Mengtao, VNDS: An algorithm for cross platform vulnerability searching in binary rmware, J. Comput. Res. Develop., vol. 53, no. 10, pp. 22882298, 2016.
- D.D.Chen,M.Woo,andD.Brumley, Towardsautomateddynamicanal ysis for linux-based embedded rmware, in Proc. NDSS. 2016, pp. 116.
- J. Zaddach, L. Bruno, and A. Francillon, AVATAR: A framework to support dynamic security analysis of embedded systems Firmwares, in Proc. NDSS, 2014, pp. 116.
- M. Muench, D. Nisi, and A. Francillon, Avatar 2: A multi-target orches tration platform, in Proc. Workshop Binary Anal. Res. (Colocated NDSS Symp.), Feb. 2018, Art. no. 18.
- A. Costin, A. Zarras, A. Francillon, Automated dynamic firmware analysis at scale: A case study on embedded Web interfaces, in Proc. 11th ACMAsia Conf. Comput. Commun. Secur., 2016, pp. 437448.
- S.H.H.Ding,B.C.M.Fung,andP.Charland, Asm2Vec:Boosting static representation robustness for binary clone search against code obfuscation and compiler optimization, in Proc. IEEE Symp. Secur. Privacy (SP), May 2019, pp. 472489.
- A. Costin, J. Zaddach, and A. Francillon, A large-scale analysis of the security of embedded rmwares, in Proc. Usenix Secur. Symp., 2014, pp. 95110.
- J. Pewny, B. Garmany, and R. Gawlik, Cross-architecture bug search in binary executables, in Proc. IEEE Symp. Secur. Privacy, May 2015, pp. 709724.
- Y. David, N. Partush, and E. Yahav, Similarity of binaries through re optimization, in Proc. 38th ACMSIGPLANConf.Program.Lang.Design Implement., 2017, pp. 7994.
- Q. Feng, R. Zhou, and C. Xu, Scalable graph-based bug search for rmware images, in Proc. ACMSIGSACConf.Comput.Commun.Secur., 2016, pp. 480491.
- D. Zhao, H. Lin, and L. Ran, CVSkSA: Cross-architecture vulnerability search in rmwarebasedonkNN-SVMandattributedcontrol owgraph, Softw. Qual. J., vol. 27, pp. 124, Feb. 2019.
Jinyang Huang, Fang Yamin. Design of CNC Feed Servo System Based on Fuzzy PID. 2021.
Awalia Anief, Sumbodo Wirawan. Perancangan 3D Printer Tipe Core XY Berbasis Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM) Menggunakan Software Autodesk Inventor 2015. Fakultas Teknik Universitas Negeri Semarang. Semarang. 2018.
Web Dinas Kementrian Perindustrian [Internet]. [Diakses 15 September 2023]. Available from:
Bukhari SBH, Tanveer T, Abid A, Anwar S. Design and Fabrication of Inexpensive Portable Polar 3D Printer. 2023.
Maravi DA, Iparraguirre GM, Prado SR. Implementation of a Digital PID Control for the Compensation of Loss Steps from CORE XY 3D Printer Motors Working at High Speeds. IEEE. 2020.
Konstantyan VN, Sannikov AS, Atabaeva DM, Morozov AI. Highly Integrated Compact Motion Control System for Brushless DC Machine. In: 2020 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology (ICIT). IEEE; 2020. p. 327-329.
C. Qing, L. Zhongjin, and W. Mengtao, VNDS: An algorithm for cross platform vulnerability searching in binary rmware, J. Comput. Res. Develop., vol. 53, no. 10, pp. 22882298, 2016.
D.D.Chen,M.Woo,andD.Brumley, Towardsautomateddynamicanal ysis for linux-based embedded rmware, in Proc. NDSS. 2016, pp. 116.
J. Zaddach, L. Bruno, and A. Francillon, AVATAR: A framework to support dynamic security analysis of embedded systems Firmwares, in Proc. NDSS, 2014, pp. 116.
M. Muench, D. Nisi, and A. Francillon, Avatar 2: A multi-target orches tration platform, in Proc. Workshop Binary Anal. Res. (Colocated NDSS Symp.), Feb. 2018, Art. no. 18.
A. Costin, A. Zarras, A. Francillon, Automated dynamic firmware analysis at scale: A case study on embedded Web interfaces, in Proc. 11th ACMAsia Conf. Comput. Commun. Secur., 2016, pp. 437448.
S.H.H.Ding,B.C.M.Fung,andP.Charland, Asm2Vec:Boosting static representation robustness for binary clone search against code obfuscation and compiler optimization, in Proc. IEEE Symp. Secur. Privacy (SP), May 2019, pp. 472489.
A. Costin, J. Zaddach, and A. Francillon, A large-scale analysis of the security of embedded rmwares, in Proc. Usenix Secur. Symp., 2014, pp. 95110.
J. Pewny, B. Garmany, and R. Gawlik, Cross-architecture bug search in binary executables, in Proc. IEEE Symp. Secur. Privacy, May 2015, pp. 709724.
Y. David, N. Partush, and E. Yahav, Similarity of binaries through re optimization, in Proc. 38th ACMSIGPLANConf.Program.Lang.Design Implement., 2017, pp. 7994.
Q. Feng, R. Zhou, and C. Xu, Scalable graph-based bug search for rmware images, in Proc. ACMSIGSACConf.Comput.Commun.Secur., 2016, pp. 480491.
D. Zhao, H. Lin, and L. Ran, CVSkSA: Cross-architecture vulnerability search in rmwarebasedonkNN-SVMandattributedcontrol owgraph, Softw. Qual. J., vol. 27, pp. 124, Feb. 2019.