Editorial Process

All articles submitted to this journal must adhere to the journal's topic and scope, as well as the author guidelines. The submissions must address scientific excellence or novelty that is relevant to the aim and scope of the journal. Articles that do not match the topic or the Guidance for Authors criteria may be rejected by the Editor–in–Chief. Plagiarism should be avoided in all papers.

It is recommended that all authors utilize plagiarism detection tools to check for similarities. Turnitin software is used by the editors to check the plagiarism detection of papers in this publication. The research article that is submitted to this publication will be going under blind peer review. Reviewers aren't aware of the writers' identities, and authors aren't aware of reviewers' identities. At least two peer reviewers will look over each submitted article.

The reviewers provide scientifically valuable feedback that helps to improve the manuscript's substance. The Editor, on behalf of the Editorial Board, will make the ultimate decision on article approval based on the reviewer's remarks.

Editor–in–Chief will publish accepted papers in the order in which they were accepted, taking into account the order in which they were accepted, the geographical distribution of contributors, and the subject issue. Outcomes of the Review: The Editor will make a final publication decision based on input from the peer-review process. It will take 2-4 weeks for the review to be completed. Decisions categories include,  

  • Reject: Articles that are rejected will not be published, and authors will not be able to resubmit a revised version to Jurnal Jaringan Telekomunikasi.
  • Resubmit for Review: The submission has to be revised, but it may be accepted with major modifications. It will, however, be subjected to the second round of review.
  • Revisions Required: Manuscripts that receive a revisions required decision will be published in Jurnal Jaringan Telekomunikasi subject to minor changes. An editor will evaluate the revisions to verify that any required changes are made before publication.
  • Accept: Manuscripts that have been accepted will be published in their existing state, with no additional changes necessary.

Following the review, the author receives all pertinent information. The author completes the piece and delivers the final version to the editors' office within two weeks.