PENGARUH VARIABEL SUMBER DANA PERUSAHAAN TERHADAP RENTABILITAS MODAL SENDIRI (Studi Pada Perusahaan Makanan dan Minuman yang Terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia)


  • Wiwiek Kusumaning Asmoro



Funds Source, Return on Equity


This study aimed in determining influence of company’s funds sources on Return on

Equity (ROE) for foods and beverages companies listed their shares in Indonesian Stock Exchange

(IDX), based on their financial statements from the year 2007 until 2010

Variables used in this study comprises dependent variable, namely Return on Equity

(ROE) and independent variables, i.e. intern and extern funds. Intern funds comprise Flowback

Ratio while intern funds comprises The Debt to Total Capitalazition, Total Debt to Total Assets

and Debt to Equity. Multiple linier regression with probability rate 0,05 indicated that: In first

analysis (2007-2008), extern funds i.e. The Debt to Total Capitalazition, Total Debt to Total Assets,

Debt to Equity and intern fund namely Flowback Ratio simultaneously had no significance

influence on Return on Equity (ROE), it was proved by F calculate = -0,164 with significance rate

0,955 while in second analysis (2009-2010) all of independent variable i.e. intern and extern fund

simultaneously had significant influence on Return on Equity (ROE) it was proved by F calculate

= 20.701 with signification rate 0,000. Debt to Equity was independent variable which had

dominant influence on Return on Equity (ROE) with significance rate 0,000 and t calculate = -


Conclusion, when economy’s condition was stable (2007-2008), the bigger company’s

long term debt and retained earning would result the higher company’s Return on Equity. But

when economy’s condition wasn’t stable (2009-2010) bigger long term debt would not rise Return

on Equity while bigger retained earning would rise Returnd on Equity.




How to Cite

Wiwiek Kusumaning Asmoro. (2013). PENGARUH VARIABEL SUMBER DANA PERUSAHAAN TERHADAP RENTABILITAS MODAL SENDIRI (Studi Pada Perusahaan Makanan dan Minuman yang Terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia). Jurnal Akuntansi Dan Ekonomi Bisnis, 2(1), 28–44.