About the Journal

The Journal of Informatics and Multimedia is intended for academics, researchers and developers to publish research results, discoveries, ideas and concepts in the scope of information technology. This journal is managed and published by the D3 Informatics Management Study Program, Polinema PSDKU in Kediri City. This research publication journal is issued regularly twice a year, in June and December. The scientific articles included in this journal focus on Information Technology topics such as: computer science, information technology, software development, and computer automation.

pISSN: 2252-486X | eISSN: 2548-4710


Current Issue

Vol. 16 No. 2 (2024): Jurnal Informatika dan Multimedia
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Journal name Jurnal Informatika dan Multimedia
Initial JTIM
Frequency 2 times a year
DOI 10.33795/jtim
Online ISSN 2548-4710
Print ISSN 2252-486X
Editor in Chief Ellya Nurfarida, S.T., M.Cs.
Publisher UPT – P2M Politeknik Negeri Malang
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License CC BY-SA 4.0